Ecommerce Planning 2021 - the Volo Resources Page - Volo

Ecommerce Planning 2021 – the Volo Resources Page

Wednesday January 20, 2021 | Posted at 8:08 am | By Paul Dicken
January 20, 2021 @ 8:08 am

In this post we announce the Volo Resources page to help you plan and budget for major ecommerce, marketplace and web store projects.

We’re at the beginning of 2021, we’re predominantly in lockdown, and it seems like once again we’re on an emergency ecommerce footing, with online retail propping up the physical channels for the foreseeable future. While we might be working 100% in the business, we have to keep one eye on the business, and plan for long term success.

If you’re planning and/or budgeting for the next financial year, your long term strategy – rather than emergency measures to keep the wheels on – may figure high up your priorities. The Volo Resources page contains a range of resources to help you define your goals, set your requirements and budget for growth in 2021 and beyond.

These resources are freely available, without obligation. Here’s a short profile and link to each resource.

We do ask you to fill in a short form to get the resource you need, so that we can keep track of who’s downloading what and which resources are the most popular.

We wish you a safe, healthy, prosperous and profitable 2021.

Of course, if you want to skip the resources and start the conversation, or even suggest your idea for a resource we haven’t covered, then we urge you to get in touch with us directly.

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